A Contribution to the Study
of a Policy for the Strengthening
of Socio-economic
Cohesion in Europe
by Franco Archibugi
Planning Studies
Centre - 1993
This is a report prepared for the EC Commission (DG XII) within the
framework of a task entrusted to an European University Institute
Study Group coordinated by Prof. Stuart Holland.
in 1991.
The intention of this Report is to examine the overall picture of
the strategies and consequent policies that could favour the
achievement of the new objective that the Single European Act and
the Maastricht Treaty have assigned to the European Community: to
pursue the strengthening of economic and social cohesion.
Regional policy
has always been considered the essential instrument for a policy of
strengthening socio-economic cohesion in the Community as a whole.
It was always believed, in fact, that the Community could strengthen
its level of cohesion by reducing the distances and disparities in
the level of social and economic development, both of the countries
and of the regions that make it up.
In fact, it cannot be denied that the reduction of the disparities
in the development of the various areas and regions of the
Community, and of the backwardness of some of these areas in respect
to others, represents an important factor for greater socio-economic
cohesion. Therefore it is without doubt that regional policy, which
aims at reducing disparities and backwardness, is an instrument for
greater cohesion.
But after many years of experience at the national scale and at the
European Community scale, one has to acknowledge that – also from
the spatial point of view - a policy that is aimed only at the
reduction of these disparities and backwardness (like the "regional"
one), is no longer sufficient for the achievement of greater
cohesion and greater integration between different areas.
From a spatial point of view as well something more is needed. What
is needed is a unitary conception of the Community territory, and a
policy not only aimed at reducing disparity and backwardness, but
also at a better utilisation of all the territory resources for
better functioning from the point of view of the overall Community.
What is needed, therefore, is a real "territorial policy" on a
Community scale.
The aim of this study is to provide a contribution of ideas for the
design of such a policy; and the first part of the study is
dedicated to this.
Right from the start it is important to emphasize that such a
territorial policy, founded on a unitary vision of the Community
territory i.e. on a vision of this as a "single" territory, can only
be conceived on the Community scale and from a Community outlook.
This seems more than sufficient for the recognition, in all this, of
the application of the "principle of subsidiarity", as it was fixed
by the Maastricht Treaty (Art. 3b) on the basis of which "the
Community shall take action, in accordance with the principle of
subsidiarity, only if and in so far as the objectives of the
proposed action cannot be sufficiently achieved by the Member States
and can therefore, by reason of the scale or effects of the
proposed action, be better achieved by the Community".
But besides the spatial dimension (seen nevertheless in its new
terms as a territorial policy, and not merely as a policy of
regional disparities), greater socio-economic cohesion draws also on
"non-spatial" sources and foundations, or better "a-spatial" ones.
In other words, the fact must be taken into account that greater
cohesion may augur or realise itself on other planes as well: for
example on the social plane (by means of a policy of greater social
integration), or on a sectorial or productive plane (a policy of
greater economic or productive integration).
These further a-spatial aspects of a greater socio-economic cohesion
have been assigned as the object of this study, in as far as they
are "extensions" of the concept of cohesion. In this sense a greater
socio-economic cohesion is determined by a set of complex historical
factors regarding the structural transformation of contemporary
industrial societies (even beyond what is happening in the countries
making up the European Community): and here we have considered it
worthwhile examining these transformations, even if they have been
the object of much well-known and important literature. The impact
that these complex historical factors have had, are having, and will
have, on the objective of greater Community socio-economic cohesion
is the subject of the second part of this study.
This second part therefore tries to provide a contribution of useful
ideas for the analysis and delineation of a policy for strengthening
social and economic cohesion considered, however, from an a-spatial
point of view.
This policy has been called "societal policy" because the current
use of the expression "social policy" tends to isolate in the said
policy only the "non-economic" aspects of cohesion and therefore
would tend to give a somewhat reductive meaning of cohesion (very
similar, moreover, to the way in which it has been until now
understood and practiced on the Community scale); whilst in this
study of cohesion policy both its social aspects and its economic
and productive (sectorial) aspects will be examined. Later on we
will see better what are the constituent elements of the above
mentioned analysis of the complex factors of the transformation of
contemporary industrial societies, and the policy implications that
emerge from them.
Even if it is less evident, a policy of greater Community cohesion
inspired by the a-spatial and societal aspects could not be either
conceived or pursued withěn the ambit of each national community
taken separately. Albeit brief, a moment of conception and unitary
definition on the Community scale is indispensable. And this is more
than sufficient - it seems to us - to be in line with the principle
of subsidiarity mentioned before.
In conclusion, this study aims at discussing and outlining the
features of a policy of greater Community socio-economic cohesion
both in its spatial aspects and in its societal aspects. It aims at
defining, in other terms, both a Community territorial policy
and societal policy.
"Territorial policy", understood as above, is the object of
the first part of the Report (Chaps. 1-6). "Societal policy",
understood as above, is the object of the second part of the Report
(Chaps. 7-10).
1. "Territorial" Policy
In conformity with this, the various chapters of the first part are
Above all one intends to discuss (in Chapters 1 and 2) the
supersedure, for the purposes of a greater cohesion, of the old
regional policy aimed only at reducing disparities and backwardness,
which were moreover poorly measured. The fundamental characteristics
of a new management of Community territory have been discussed and
exemplified, founded on new elements such as:
conception of the European territory as a "single" territory;
elaboration of a "common" system of territorial indicators;
elaboration of a "Territorial Framework of Reference" (a sort of
"Indicative Master Plan") for all the Community territory.
Secondly, the characteristics of the three main emerging problems
have been examined: city, environment, transport. The outlines have
been drawn of an urban policy (Chapter 3), of an
environmental policy (Chapter 4) and of a transport policy
(Chapter 5) on the European scale, bearing in mind the contribution
that they should provide toward a policy of greater Community
In fact, considering - as said - spatial policy as a policy founded
on the concept of Community territory as a "single" territory (in
conformity with the creative principles of the EMU, that ratify it
as a "single market"), and having gone beyond the concept of greater
cohesion simply as the mere reduction of disparities and
backwardness, it has been realised that on a Community scale the
main problems emerging with a greater impact on cohesion itself are:
organisation of urban life,
as the fundamental factor of social and environmental welfare for
the citizens of the Community (80% of whom live in an urban
environment), but also as the fundamental factor for the development
of economic activities;
a policy of conservation, good
management and utilization of the natural environmental resources,
whose level of use has become incompatible with a "sustainable"
development of the economy;
a strategy of communications and
transport,. with an efficient network of linked infrastructures
on a European scale for the purpose of better integration of the
activities and information of European citizens.
These main identified problems do not have in themselves a direct
and explicit impact on greater cohesion (except, perhaps, for the
last one mentioned). However, they represent the most sensitive area
- being the most important - in which the fate of a greater cohesion
is decided. Moreover they constitute problems whose solution -
considering European territory as a "single" territory - may find
easier outlets on the Community scale than on the national or local
scale, if assisted by more intergovernmental cooperation (which
ranges from the level of exchange of information, to that of the
sharing of experience, and to that of the common experimentation of
new experiences).
Certain aspects of some problems (as will be seen in the chapters
dedicated to each of them) have a "trans-boundary" relevance; and
they are therefore par excellence problems whose Community
management will favour greater cohesion.
However, the three policies (urban, environmental and transport)
have been examined in light of their integrated evaluation,
which emerges from the reform of the approach adopted by traditional
regional policy. We have called this reform territorial policy,
while trying to demonstrate that it is directly involved in a
correct approach to the goal of a greater socio-economic cohesion,
and that it is moreover the most important factor in strengthening
such an economic and social cohesion.
But the analysis of how such policies might be rendered coherent
with a common design of territorial policy has inevitably led us to
ask ourselves to what degree the modus operandi of public
decision-making, at all government levels (from the local to the
regional, to the national, and right up to that of the Community),
could be susceptible to constituting an efficacious political
instrument, in view of the proposed objectives.
This analysis has led us to appreciate the importance of modifying
the methods of "evaluation" and management applied to the
interventions, with the aim of rendering them more "systematic";
which is also another way of saying more "cohesive" with each other.
In other words, we have examined the importance of improving the "programming" of the interventions. The application of
programming and evaluation methods constitutes already, in itself,
an important integrating "adhesive" for sectorial policies, above
all when these manifest themselves through single direct
interventions, be they normative or financial.
The methods - very rapidly evoked and suggested in Chapter 6 - are
such that, if applied, they would not only facilitate a correct
application of the interventions, in that they would control the
quality of the results; but also above all with respect to the
overall programming, they would allow a mechanism of evaluation and
"choice" ex ante of the programmes and the projects to be
promoted, accepted and financed which would constitute a totally
new phase for the procedures and the management policies not
only of the Community, but also of many of the participating
This examination of the methods of evaluation and programming has
opened up the debate on a new "manageability" or "governance" of
public action, which constitutes the fulcrum of the second part of
the Report.
2. "Societal Policy"
The objectives of greater community cohesion in the a-spatial
aspects or, as said, "societal" aspects have been examined in the
second part.
We have considered it opportune to introduce this analysis with a
synthetic evaluation of the transformations that are taking place in
industrial societies, and of their effects on the principal inter-sectorial
and infra-sectorial structural changes in these
societies (Chapter 7).
The major obstacles to greater community cohesion have been
identified in:
1. the impact that the
abovementioned changes have had on the relationship between the
public and private sector of economic life;
2. the overburdening
that has derived from this for the public sector;
the crisis that has resulted
for the systems of the Welfare State.
These aspects have been examined in Chapter 8.
The crisis of the Welfare State - arising from the positive
evolution of the structural changes mentioned before - is provoking
two main responses of which we must be well aware (and which it is
necessary to be able to transform into explicit "policies"):
the need to give back to non-public and, in some
ways, private activity - albeit in completely changed and new
circumstances - the burden of absorbing the overload of the public
sector that has led to the crisis of the Welfare State;
the need to increase the capacity of the
collective, in all its manifestations but above all in that of its
public institutional or government one, to proceed to conscious and
rational decisions that are oriented preventively with regard to the
alternative use of societal resources (public, private, collective
or individual); in order to prevent useless waste, poor use,
imbalance in use, and the various damage that all this produces for
an ordered development of civil harmony within and between the
people of the Community and the earth.
- the
two answers, and the two required explicit policies that should
result, may be summarised in the following way:
A. By means of the development of a sector
of economic activity between "public" and "private", that is largely
erupting in an autonomous and spontaneous way in the so-called
"post-industrial" society with its structural changes and the
consequent crisis of the Welfare State.
This is the sector that resembles the public one: for the absence of
the motivation of profit; for the fact that it is not aimed at the
market (although it is operative, like the public one, in the
market); for the purposes, prevalently social and collective, that
It is also the sector that resembles the private one: for the
entrepreneurial spirit that characterises it; for the fact that it
is the object of private initiative on the part of the subjects who
benefit from it and promote it (even if some public incentive can be
considered, as is the case for the private one motivated by profit);
for the fact that it is born and is developed with a private
financial load and not with public resources.
It is the sector that we will call "associative" or of the
"associative" economy (but which has received numerous other
denominations: "social economics", "third system or sector", the
volunteer sector, the cooperative system, etc.). Chapter 9 of this
study is dedicated to the emergence of this sector and to policies
aimed at its development.
B. By means of the development of an activity of societal planning
of the alternative use of resources, that should increasingly
substitute public activity of direct management of the resources on
the part of the public sector; and should pervade the whole social
system, by means of a system of bargaining of the same at all
operational, territorial and sectorial levels.
The activity of societal planning would not replace the "market"; on
the contrary it would use it as an efficient revealer of individual
preference. It should however make it more transparent, inducing the
operators - above all the public ones - to coordinate initiatives
and negotiate them in the case of conflict, to their reciprocal
advantage and to that of everyone, within the framework of a more
overall and above all anticipated vision of events and the effects
of actions and decisions. It would be a question of the elaboration
of information instruments, linked and finalised for planning, and
alternative scenarios which may draw the attention, the negotiation
and the concertation of the more important decision-makers in an
ordered procedural system.
Chapter 10 is dedicated to the delineation of the problems, methods,
policies and procedures of such a system of societal planning for an
ordered and efficient management of the economy and European
In order to approach such a system, it would be necessary
nevertheless to start from the mechanism of evaluation and choice,
outlined in Chapter 6, for the implementation of new territorial
policies for socio-economic cohesion. It could in fact constitute
the foundation of a completely new management phase in the
experience of the methods of governing of democratic countries.
In fact, if applied in all the directions taken by the
administrative bodies and on a sufficiently diffuse and pervasive
scale, that mechanism would require and in some way would represent
the systematic introduction, one which is operationally effective,
of a "system of economic and social planning".
We are very far from recognising and applying in the Community
countries (and everywhere in the world) such a system, despite
immature and hurried "historical" attempts developed in many Western
countries during the 1960s (not to speak of the "caricature" of such
a system which sometimes for opposing motives, sometimes for similar
ones, has taken place in the countries of Eastern Europe and in the
countries of the Third World, in recent decades).
It has been necessary to reconnect the failed attempts - or rather
those that have aborted - from the economic and social planning of
the 1960s and in the beginning of the 1970s, to the "crisis" of the
so-called Welfare State which has rapidly developed from the
1970s onwards, and which is certainly to be attributed - in the
opinion of the Author - precisely to the very absence of economic
and social planning.
Despite many current stereotyped ideas (seen in planning as a factor
of rigidity), it is precisely through a working system of economic
and social programming that it is possible to include within
conventional social policy those very elements of "flexibility", of
permanent choice of preferences, those factors of continual
"trade-off" between the opportunities, which would have allowed the Welfare State not to fall into the state of intollerable
financial overloading and of managerial and operational
inefficiency which has definitively brought it "to its knees",
politically and economically.
There has been much talk, in fact, of a "crisis" in the Welfare
State (it has been treated by an enormous literature and only a
few among the maitres a penser of politics and economics have
not expressed their opinion). However - in the opinion of the Author
- little connection has been made in clear and explicit terms
between this crisis and the absence or the non-efficiency of a
system of economic and social planning.
Economic and social planning is in fact the instrument which allows
the political decision-makers to make choices in the presence
of financial and administrative or managerial constraints. And this
in fact allows them to make "rational" choices (therefore inclusive
of the appropriate trade-offs) with a greater social consensus.
Economic and social planning, in fact, can include the "negotiation"
- as mentioned - of the choices of the social parties and of the
interest groups; because of this, these would come to a better
perception of the general quantitative constraints which underly the
Even in the case of the inevitable conflict of contrasting
interests, the bargaining of the choices - well organised,
procedurally speaking, at the heart of the "economic and social
planning system" - would always lead to a greater awareness on the
part of the operators, both of the constraints and of the
consistency between the aspirations, as well as the more technical
and "related" aspects of the interests in conflict. And this would
give this same social and contractual conflict - inevitably and
obviously from many points of view - a greater capacity for
resolution, a decreased destructive capacity, and - as a consequence
- more effective and lasting results.
This is why, to better sustain the importance of new forms of
economic and social planning for the strengthening of economic and
social cohesion, in this Report we have deliberately dwelt at length
on the crisis of the Welfare State and the ways available for
overcoming it through more "flexible" solutions, made possible by a
constant and critical matching of the objectives to the means, but
also of the means to the objectives (of priority). See Chapter 8.
In trying to find the ways and forms for a greater "flexibility" of
the Welfare State and of greater involvement of private
operators in the implementation of the Welfare State -
thereby defining this involvement as the passage from Welfare
State to "Welfare Society" - in this Report we have also
dwelt at length -as said - on the analysis of the important emerging
role of "the associative economy", that economy which is "private"
(in its ways) and social (in its goals), and therefore not aimed at
profit, and which we have called the "associative" economy.
See Chapter 9.
Lastly we have chosen to reassume in a more systematic manner the
strategic lines required for the construction of a "Welfare Society"
(and therefore no longer only a "Welfare State"): lines already
present, even if not always in explicit form, in the topics of
Chapters 8 and 9. And this is in order to reiterate that the Europe
which today is more cohesive, both economically and socially,
is the Europe which, instead of running after homogeneous levels of
performance in this or that sector of social protection, will know
how to adopt a more flexible process of management and programming
of the choices and the decisions, which will - as has already been
said - mark a very decisive historical turning-point in the
management methods of contemporary democracies (Chapter 10).
3. The Conditions for a Greater Economic and Social Cohesion
A policy for economic and social planning, such as that outlined in
the second part of this Report, constitutes the most important
strategic factor for a greater economic and social cohesion within
the Community.
In the last analysis, the objective of the Single Act, and now also
of the Maastricht Treaty, does nothing more than transfer to the
Community level an aspiration which has been for many decades
pursued within our single national communities: to diminish the
social and regional inequalities, without damaging the overall
opportunities of development of the Community itself.
In this Report we have intended to outline what has been considered
the correct way for attaining that goal: or before this, the
correct way of conceiving that goal.
We have desired to emphasise how profoundly wrong it is to conceive
economic and social cohesion as a merely "reparative" objective,
motivated by a spirit of "compensation" for some special areas of
the Community.
And we have chosen to sustain the conviction that such an economic
and social cohesion implies above all a common development of
integrated European objectives to be reached, and of these the
"territorial" ones are among the most immediate and the "societal"
ones among the most "mediated".
And lastly, we have wanted to assert the need to "finalise" the
European instruments available to those so-conceived common
objectives: no common "policies" without common objectives. And all
this is in an integrated and unified process of programming.
This seemed the best way of interpreting and respecting the often
stressed "principle of subsidarity": to act at a Community level
only and uniquely for European interests which are not otherwise
achievable on the scale of individual member countries.
And we have examined how all this was already
predictable from the erroneous way in which the Welfare State
was applied without adequate programming in our national
communities, some more, some less. Thus, in fact, the way was left
open to pure assertion of claims and to permanent dissatisfaction.
If the objective of the strengthening of economic and social
cohesion does not want to fail in the Community, as has that of the
Welfare State, it must be pursued through the introduction of
a serious and adequate system of economic
and social planning on the European scale.
For this reason the brief overview of the new strategic problems for
the strengthening of economic and social cohesion (desired by the
Single European Act and the Maastricht Treaty) was concluded with a
brief description of the operational characteristics of this
"system" of both economic and social planning on the European scale
(Chapter 10): a system which - despite many tentative approaches and
many discussions - has never really been experimented with as
described here by us, in any of the historical national experiences
lived-out, neither in Western countries nor in Eastern Europe; and
not even in the "Third World". (However this latter presents also
many structural problems, with respect to which a system such as
that described here in this Report could not possibly work, and
would require many amendments and simplifications).
The brief overview, moreover,
concludes with a chapter (Chapter 11) dedicated to a modest
consideration of the ways in which the operational structures of the
European Community, and in particular the Commission, could favour
and develop the adoption in the member countries of actions inspired
by the strategies discussed and presented in the current Report. And
further still, on the ways in which those same structures of the
Commission, for the moment somewhat limited in their operational
capacities and competences, could nevertheless adapt themselves to
the new strategic criteria, if for no other motive than that of
serving as good examples of management to the single participant
"Territorial" Policy
"Societal" Policy
3. The Conditions for
a Greater Economic and Social Cohesion
Part 1 - Territorial Policy
1. Economic and
Social Cohesion: Old and New Concepts
1.2. Some Attempts to Reform the European
Regional Policy
1.2.2. The 1988 Operational "Reforms" of
Structural Funds
1.3. The Technical Conditions Needed for
an Improved Management of the European Regional Development Fund and
Other Structural Funds
1.4. "Europe 2000": A New Approach to
European Regional Policy
2. From
Regional Policy to the New Territorial Policy
2.1. A "Single" Territory
2.2. A Single System of Concepts and
Indicators Concerning the Territory
2.3. A "Territorial Framework" to be Used
as Reference for European Regional Policy
2.3.1. A Network of "Urban Regions or
Territorial Functional Systems" Used as a Reference in Measuring the
Cohesion Needs of the "City-Effect"
2.3.2. A Mapping of the Principal Land-Use
Aims to be Planned
2.3.3. A Network of the Principal
Transport and Communication Infrastructures of European Interest
2.4. The Contents of the Territorial
Framework to be Used as a Reference
2.5. From the Regional Policy to a
New Territorial Policy
2.6. "Accounting" of Economic and Social
2.7. Territorial Policy and Social Policy
3. Socio-Economic Cohesion and Urban Policy
3.1. Urban Areas and Economic Progress
3.2. A New Concept of the City
3.3. The Decline of the Urban Environment
3.3.1. Congestion of Activity and
Functional Paralysis
3.3.2. Loss of Urban Landscape
3.3.3. The Loss of Inter-Personal
3.4. What Factors Contribute to the
Decline of the Urban Environment?
3.5. The Urban Eco-System
3.5.1. The Decline of the Urban
Environment as a "Loading" Imbalance of Urban Functions
3.5.2. Towards a "Program Structure" and a
European System of Urban Indicators
3.6. Prospectives for a European Community
Urban Environment Policy
4. Socioeconomic
Cohesion and Environmental Programming
4.1. A Policy of "Prevention" of
Environmental Damage.
4.2. Territorial Planning and
Environmental Planning
4.3. The Organisation of Environmental
Planning on a European Scale
The "Environmental" Programmes
"Environment-Oriented" Programmes
4.4. Some Principles of Environmental
4.4.1. Urban Well-Being and Environmental
4.4.2. Socio-Economic Well-Being and
Environmental Well-Being
4.4.3. An Integrated Assessment of Social
Well-Being and Development Planning
4.4.4. Distribution Mechanisms for the
Costs of Environmental Policy
4.4.5. The Identity of Environmental
Planning and Territorial Policy: A Synthesis of Criteria Described
4.5. Environmental Planning and Planning
in General
5. Socio-Economic
Cohesion and Transport Programming
5.1. The Importance of Transport for a
Greater Economic and Social Cohesion
5.2. The Field of Transport as "Symbolic"
of the New Conception of Territorial Policy
5.3. A Common European Transport Policy
5.4. The Criteria of a New Transport
Policy on a European Scale
5.4.1. An Essential Network on the
European Scale
5.4.2. The Planning of Metropolitan
5.4.3. Environmental Compatibility of
Transport Systems
6. Programme and
Project Evaluation and Management
6.1. The Importance of
Technical Instrumentation for Integrated Planning and Programming
6.2. New Rules for the General Management
of Programmes and Projects
6.2.1. The Programme Cycle
6.2.2. The Programming "Logical Framework"
6.3. Some Procedural Aspects for the
Management of Programmes and Projects
6.3.1. Functions and Actors of Phase 1:
Policy Orientation
6.3.2. Functions and Actors of Phase 2:
6.3.3. Functions and Actors of Phase 3:
6.3.4. Functions and Actors of Phase 4:
Execution and Management of Projects
Part 2 - Societal Policy
Structural Changes and Socio-Economic Cohesion
7.1. The Strengthening of Economic and
Social Cohesion in a New Programming Approach
7.2. Structural Changes that Have an
Influence on the New Policy of Cohesion and Planning
7.3. The Main Features of Inter-Sectorial
7.3.1. Changes in the Structure of
Consumer Demand
7.3.2. General Consequences of these
Structural Changes
7.3.3. The Increasing Dichotomy between
High-Productivity and Low-Productivity Sectors
7.3.4. The Employment and Incomes Feature
of the Structural Change
7.3.5. Measuring Well-Being
7.4. The Main Feature of Infra-Sectorial
7.4.1. Labour Market Changes
7.4.2. An Approach to a Specific Labour
Market Policy
7.4.3. The Rise and Crisis of the Public
7.4.4. Factors Retarding New Employment
8. The
Overloading of the Public Sector, the Crisis of the Welfare State,
and the Consequent Policies
8.1. What Should be Reviewed in the
Welfare State?
8.2. How Should a Welfare Society be
8.3. The Need for Coordination, Selection
and Planning
8.3.1. Planning as an Essential Condition
for the Passage to a "Welfare Society"
8.3.2. The Fundamental "Operations" of
8.3.3. The Plan as a Decision Framework of
Reference and as a Process
8.3.4. The Traditional Planning Operators
and their Motivations
8.4. Crisis of the Welfare State as a
Motivational Crisis of the Operators
8.5.1. The Emerging Operational Forms of
the "Third Sector"
8.5.2. The "Third Sector" is not the
"Mixed" Economy
8.6. Towards the Institutionalisation of
the "Private-Collective" Sector
9. The
Associative (or "Social") Economy
9.1. The Relationship between the
Operational Sectors
9.2. "Third Sector" and the Welfare
9.3. First Directions of the Development
of the Third Sector
9.4. The Need for a Better Operational
Definition of the "Third Sector"
9.5. For a New Institutional Regulation of
Associative Economy
9.6. The Financing of the Associative
9.7. Possible Forms of the Public
Financing of the Associative Sector
9.8. New Forms of Private and at the Same
Time Collective Financing of the Associative Sector and Its
Statistical Recording
9.9. Trade-Union Funds for Investment
9.10. The Role of the Trade-Unions in the
Management of the Employment Market and of the New Forms of
Production and of Employment
Promotion of the Associative Sector in the
Framework of a Comprehensive Plan of Development
Part 3 – The Conditions for a Greater Economic
and Social Cohesion
10. A
Summary of the New Strategies for the Welfare Society
10.1. New Tasks for the Public Sector
10.1.1. The Financial Limits of the State
10.1.2. General Alternatives to Public
10.1.3. New Criteria for Managing Public
10.2. The Future of Planning
10.2.1. The New "Regulatory" Role of the
Public Sector
10.2.2. Central Planning and Direct
10.2.3. Articulated or Systemic Planning
10.3. Planning-Oriented Bargaining
10.4. Planning Social Accounting
10.5. Planning and the New Unionism
10.6. Planning and the Organized Consumer
Appendix 1- Mesoeconomy Planning Practices and Implications for
Socio-Economic Planning
Appendix 2 - New Socio-Economic Accounting Systems
11. The
Community Policies to be Implemented for Economic and Social
11.2 The Adoption of the Community "Guidelines"
11.3 Use of Financial Community Instruments