Roma 2006
The geographic culture for the progess of Italy
The President of the Italian Geographical Society has the pleasure to invite the S.V. to a ceremony to consign social honors...
[download .pdf (only in Italian)] |
Rome, 2005
VIII National Conference on Measurement - December 2005
Presidency of the council of Ministers - THE NATIONAL SCHOOL FOR PUBLIC ADMNISTRATION. Institutional Network for the measure of public activity
[download .pdf (only in Italian)] |
Rome, 2004
Faculty of Law of the LUMSA, the Free University “Maria SS. Assunta”
Talk with debate among the attendees on the topic:
Budget and administration policies in order to get results in the public sector
[download .pdf (only in Italian)] |
Rome, 2004
University of Rome “La Sapienza”
Department of Public Economics
Seminary entitled:
The Associative Economy
[download .pdf (only in Italian)]
Naples, 2004
University of Naples “Federico II”
Department of Planning and Land-Use Sciences
Seminary / Debate on:
Planning Theory – from the political criticism to the methodological reconstruction
[download .pdf (only in Italian)]
Rome, 2004
“Città Aperta” Publisher
Invitation to the meeting:
Federico Caffè: The disappearance of a reformist
[download .pdf (only in Italian)]
Venice, 2003
IUAV – Faculty of Planning
The Students’ Senate – Conversation with Prof. Franco Archibugi
[download .pdf (only in Italian)]
Strasbourg 2003
Annual Forum of the Social Cohesion Division, Council of Europe
23-24 October 2003
Prof. Franco Archibugi has been invited to present a lecture on the theme:
The multiple crises of the social welfare system: which conditions could promote a reform of the welfare state into a welfare society?
(for the text of the conference click here) |