Franco Archibugi studied history and philosophy at the Universities
of Rome and Heidelberg, and economics at the London School of
has taught economics at the University of Florence and planning at
the University of Calabria, Palermo, and Naples. In the last years
he has taught economic programming and strategic planning at the
Post-graduate School of Public Administration of Rome.
In 1963, along with a group of
Italian and foreign colleagues, he founded
Planning Studies Centre, Rome, a
non-profit research Institute promoting a unified or integrative
approach to planning (of which he is presently Chairman). He has
also been a
promoter of the “International Academy on Planning Studies” and
in 1992 was the
General Secretary (under the honorary
presidency of the late Jan Tinbergen and Wassily Leontief).
his professional activities, his previous appointments also include:
Member, "Expert Committee on Urban Environment",
Commission of the European Community (1990-94)
Member, Urban Affairs Group, OECD, Paris
Rapporteur, Consultant & Director: several
research projects
of the
EC (Commission), Brussels; and the
OECD, Paris and the
Council of Europe, Strasbourg (from 1955 to
the present day)
Consultant: Various Projects, UNDP, New York
Member: "Senior Economic Advisers", UN Commission
for Europe, Geneva (1971-1976)
Member: Committee for Medium-Term Economic
Policy, European Community, Brussels (1973-1976)
Rapporteur: Several Seminars of UN Agencies (FAO,
UNIDO, UNESCO, ILO, UNRSDI, Social Affairs Division, Centre for
Housing, Building & Planning)
Member: Scientific Committee of the Italian
Ministry of Environment
Consultant: Ministry of Budget and Economic
Planning, Italy (1965- 1974)
Consultant: Several Cultural & Educational
Activities of the Italian and European Trade Unions
Consultant & Director: Several Research Projects
of the Italian National Research Council (CNR)
Franco Archibugi is the author of many books and papers on
socio-economic, environmental and urban planning published in
Italian, English and a few other languages (a survey of these
and some
selected reproductions
are in the appropriate section of this Web
contributor to several journals, he was a founding member of the editorial
boards of the following
Socioeconomic Planning Sciences: The
International Journal for the Public Sector Decision-Making
Environment and Planning
Social Indicators Research: An International and Interdisciplinary
Journal for Quality-of-Life Measurement
(Kluwer). |