the National Programming
the Strategic Economic Policy
Franco Archibugi
Studies Centre - 2002

Strategic planning has recently become a more and more important
tool in the public sector for improving the methods and results of
public management. In every OECD country, compared by the public
management (PUMA) committee and secretariat, and especially in the
US after the Governmental Performance and Results Act of Congress in
1993, and its implementation, strategic planning has become the
technical instrument for the expansion and implementation of
“results-based management” in every public agency.
It has become the most important instrument for what has been called
the “reinvention of government.
However strategic planning and result-based management have a limit.
They limit themselves to the thresholds of a single governmental
entity (ministries, departments, national agencies, local
governments and so on) The attempts of coordination of the strategic
planning on the entire public scale (inter-governmental,
inter-agencies, and government-wide) have been carried on in some
countries (expecially in the Usa, on behalf of certain coordination
agencies like Gao and Omb), but they are at the first stage. The
methods of strategic planning have not yet been integrated with
those of the public budgeting and programming methods, and the
latter have been not yet integrated with the experience of a
“societal” programming, i.e. on the scale of all society
institutions, governmental and private.
The difficulties in the integration of the programming at different
levels from the micro-operational one to the macro-economic and
macro-societal ones are inherent to the unilateral approaching,
which right now in the human experience, has been practiced in the
art of the strategic management, on different scales, micro and
macro-operational. The overcoming of the unilateral approaching has
not found, until now, sufficient experiences of integration and
coordination, which, in turn, could help in elaborating its own
“technology” and adequate technical instruments for the
implementation itself of integration and coordination. This has lead
or can lead to the flop of all unilateral and inconsistent
experiences registered in the past or ongoing in this matter, from
those of the macro-economic approach of economic policies, to those
of the result-based micro-managerial applications (strategic
This book provides for the debate among policy-makers, economists
and social planners, a first analysis, proposal, and methodological
description of an indespensible instrument – conceptual and
operational – for the above said integration and coordination: the
reference “Accounting Framework” for decision-making.
This book recalls attempts (made in Italy in the 1970-71, on behalf
of a section of the Italian government, the Ministry of Budget and
Economic Programming, and under the direction of the Author) to
construct such a “Framework”, as instruments of political
decision-making and “trade offs” in the allocations of national
resources and in the formulations of public programmes. That work
miscarried, and only weak traces remain. This book is one of these
But in it is contained the formula and secret combination of a new
revolutionary way to managing the economic and social policies and
the national performance. A combination indispensable in
implementing the “reinventing government” operation actually ongoing
in several advanced countries in our present times.
Chapter 1
Concept of “Accounting Framework” and Its Utility for Planning
Chapter 2
Content and Structure of “Accounting Framework”
Chapter 3
The Account of Sectors and the “Program Structure”
Chapter 4
The Productive Implications of the Resources Allocation Objectives
Chapter 5
The Institutional and Financial Dimensions of the “Accounting
Chapter 6
Schematic Recapitulation of the “Accounting Framework”
Chapter 7
National Accounting, Public Budgeting, and “Accounting Framework”
Chapter 8
The Components of the Quantification Process
Chapter 9
The Quantification of the Allocation Objectives
Chapter 10
The Transition from the Allocation Objectives to the Production
Chapter 11
The Quantification and Articulation of the Production Objectives
Chapter 12
The Quantification of the Objectives by “Institutional Actors”
Chapter 13
The Quantifications of the Incomes Distribution
Chapter 14
The Quantifications of the Financial Mechanisms
Chapter 15
The Modeling of the Accounting Framework
Chapter 16
The Temporalization of the Accounting Framework
Chapter 17
The Negotiating System of the Accounting Framework
Chapter 18
Other Political and Operational Aspects of the Accounting Framework
Chapter 19
The Information Technology of the Accounting Framework
Exhibits List
I-1 Relation Assessments in the Decision-making System of the Public
Agent (from the viewpoint of the resources use)
II-1 Three-dimensional Table of the Accounting Framework
III-1 Example of Selection of an Allocation Program Structuring at
General Level
III-2 Transitional Table among Programmatic Categories of
Consumption and the Goods and Services Categories to be Consumed
III-3 Consumption according to the different Ways and Categories of
IV-1 Transitional Table of Goods and Services to be Consumed by
Sectors of Origin (and Formation)
IV-2 Transitional Table of the Investment Categories by Sector of
Origin ( or Formation) of related Capital Goods
V-1 Account of the Distribution of the National Income by Production
V-2 Account of the Income and Expenditure by Institutional
V-3 Financial Transfers between Institutional Categories
V-4 Financial Accounts by Institutional Categories and Financial
Instruments Typology
VI-1 Graphic Expression of the Three-Dimensionality of the
Accounting Framework
VI-2 Temporal Dimension of the Accounting Framework
VI-3 The Splitting of the Accounting Framework in Couples of
VI-4 The Splitting Matrix of the Accounts of Accounting Framework
VII-1 Graphic Expression of the Effort to Unify the Logic Holding
the Three Types of Accounting Classification: 1)By Plan Objectives;
2) By National Expenditure; 3) The Public Expenditure.
IX-1 Research Process for the Definition of Social Needs at the
Scale of Urban System.(“Suter” Team)
IX-2 Schematization of the first Phase of the Process: the
Quantification of the general Resources Allocation Objectives.
IX-3 Table of the Under Study-Team of the “Social Indicators
Team”(Indisoc, with their reference to the “Program Structure” and
their Degree of Insertion in the Research Process for the Assessment
of the Programmatic Allocations of the Accounting Framework).
XI-1 Research Process for the Quantification of the Industrial
Production Objectives at Regional Scale (“Proreind” Team)
XI-2 Research Process for the Quantification of the Agriculture
Production Objectives at Regional Scale (“Proreagr” Team)
XI-3 Research Process for the Quantification of the Tertiary Privat
Activities Production Objectives at Regional Scale ( “Proreterz”
XI-4 Schematization summarizing the second and third phase of the
Process: Transition toward the production needs and their
territorial articulation and quantification.
XII-1 Schematization of the fourth phase of the process: the
quantification of the objectives by “institutional” actors
XV-1 General System of Models of the National Planning Process (in
order to the Construction of the Accounting Framework)
XVI-1 Timetable of reference for the “External” and “Internal”
Temporalization of Plans at Medium and Long Term
XVII-1 Iterative Process of the Negotiating System on the Accounting
Framework (first and second phases)
XVII-2 Synoptic Recapitulation of the Moments fo the Negotiating
XVII-3 Iterative Process of the Negotiating System on the Accounting
Framework (third and forth phases)
XVIII-1 Cycle of Information Flux in the Utilization Process of the
“Accounting Framework”.