by Franco Archibugi
Studies Centre - 2000
[only available in Italian]
The reform of public administration in Italy, as in more or less all
advanced western countries, has been a subject debated for decades,
and one which, in the final decade of the last century, found new
impulse in countries such as the USA, where the federal “Government
Performance and Result Act” (GPRA) of 1993 introduced “result-based
management techniques.” The first experiences in the application of
technical innovations in this field have shown that the decisive
battle for innovation is fought and won on the field of educational
activities to improve the skills of public managers.
The author, an authority on already-introduced managerial
transformations (and those still being experimented with) in the
United States and in other pioneering countries, and a professor in
the Post-Graduate School of Public Administration attached to the
Prime Minster’s Office in Italy, testifies with this book on both
the concerns and characteristics of managerial innovation in the
public domain, and on the efforts to improve the substance of
methods of educational activities aimed directly and specifically at
the preparation and training of public managers.
This book, in other terms, deals with
the features and challenges of a new didactic method capable of
introducing new professionalism and technical leadership into the
civil service.
1. The new public management and its formative implications
2. Ideas on a renewal of the ‘Scuola superiore della pubblica amministrazione’
3. Further ideas for the renewal of the SSPA in the form of a ‘general Programme’
4. ‘And the law?’: considerations on the role of the traditional disciplines in the training of the public manager
5. Preparing the new managers of public administration: a radical transformation of contents and methods
6. Suggestion for a didactic Programme for a Master of high-level public leadership
7. Observations on the planning of some traditional matters of learning and their adaptation to the new public management
8. The role of research for the activities of formative renewal of the ‘Scuola superiore della pubblica amministrazione’
9. How the ‘New Public Manager’ (Npm) should influence the didactic and the research activity of the SSPA
10. Further recommendations on the criteria of didactics, organisation and selection for the Course / managerial competition at the SSPA
Appendix: Caserta’s seminar (1997) on the educative implications of result-based-management